Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope of Life Sciences, Medicine and Biomedicine

Life Sciences, Medicine and Biomedicine is an online open access multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that welcomes publication in all areas of life sciences, medicine and biomedicine. Some related biological sciences may be considered on a case by case basis.

Submissions can include:


  1. Research Article: Original research from basic research, non-clinical, pre-clinical, clinical and related biological sciences. There are no minimum sets of results, experimental protocols or data required. Our top priority is that the research even if it’s a single experiment, is conducted through rigorous and acceptable scientific testing and methodologies, are novel and original. For research articles, the manuscript must consist of abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions in addition to the other components listed in the Authors Guide.
  2. Review: Reviews consist of a comprehensive analysis of existing literature on a specific topic, including presentation of current findings from published literatures. Reviews can be in a form of literature reviews, meta-analysis or systematic reviews. For review articles, the manuscript must consist of abstract, introduction and conclusions in addition to the other components listed in the Authors Guide. Authors are free to include other suitable sections and sub-sections.
  3. Mini Review: Mini review adopts the similar style and purpose of a review article. It is however, suitable for a more condensed and brief article. It is expected to have a maximum of 2,500 words and not more than 2 figures and tables. For mini review articles, the manuscript must consist of abstract, introduction and conclusions in addition to the other components listed in the Authors Guide. Authors are free to include other suitable sections and sub-sections.
  4. Opinion Article: This article type is the expert opinion of an author or authors on an area of interest. Authors can present their perspective or interpretation or reviews on an article or data presented within and at the same time discuss in a broader term how the area of research can be further improved, explored and investigated. Abstract and keywords are required for opinion article, other sections and sub-sections may be incuded if necessary.
  5. Case Report: This section will include papers demonstrating data and specifics of patient(s) in a hospital/clinical setting. Patients can include humans or in a veterinary setting if related to human health, life sciences, medicine and biomedicine. Case reports can include findings on disease, disease diagnosis and treatement, including progress of the clinical case. Case reports must include abstract, introduction, materials and methods (including description on the case, assessments), results, discussion and conclusions in addition to the other components listed in the Authors Guide. Authors are free to include other suitable sections and sub-sections.
  6. Conference Proceedings: This section is dedicated to very limited and selected collaboration between the journal and research institutions and scholarly societies that will include abstracts and full papers presented at conferences. Manuscripts are peer reviewed in accordance to the Editorial Process and Peer Review Policies of the journal. The secretariat of the organizing committee is required to email the Editor in Chief with information on the conference, aims and scope, list of organizing committee members and details of participation before a decision can be made to include the special issue in the journal.
  7. Editorial: This section is dedicated for editors. The article is managed by the editorial office, and may be peer reviewed by the members of the editorial board.
  8. Erratum and Corrigendum: This section is for correcting errors in an article and will be recorded as Erratum/Corrigendum: Title of the original article. If errors are found on published articles, the publisher and/or authors are requested to correct these errors. In this article, only the corrected information (information, tables, figures) must be included. Explanation must be provided for the errors made. For this section, please email details to The Editorial Office will guide authors through this process.

Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that are original, that are related to the areas listed below. Fundamental research, pre-clinical data, clinical cases, systematic reviews on the investigation of diseases, their pathophysiology, epidemiology data, current treatment options, diagnostic tools and diagnostic processes, methods development and treatment modalities and other innovations are welcomed.

Your submissions can include but not limited to some of these areas:

Anatomy and histology
Applied sciences
Biological sciences
Biomedical engineering
Cancer and therapy
Clinical research
Drug discovery
Environmental and occupational health
Exercise and sports science
Food science
Forensic medicine
Halal research
Infectious diseases
Inflammation research
Medical education and research
Medical sciences
Molecular biology
Natural products research
Nutrition and dietetics
Obstetrics and gynecology
Pharmaceutical sciences
Precision medicine
Public health
Stem cell research and therapy
Traditional medicines
Vaccines research